Non Playable Doge $NPD

Non-Playable Doge (NPD) is a memecoin actually backed by one of the most recognizable memes on the internet.

Not Like Other

NPD is a coin for one of the most recognizable memes on the internet. "I support the current coin" is our community's motto, a homage to the non-playable character meme first popularized in 2018.

Fair and for the People

Liquidity locked, contract renounced, no BS promises of utility. And best of all, no taxes whatsoever on transactions because, as every NPD knows, the only taxes you should be paying is to your government.



Support the
Current Coin

NPD is a memecoin for all of us. On July 26, 2023, the total human population was recorded on-chain. There will never be more than 8,050,126,520 NPC tokens and all of it was circulating at launch.